Wednesday, June 15, 2016

French Alphabet for French learners and beginners

The French alphabet is based on the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, uppercase and lowercase, with five diacritics and two orthographic ligatures.


Letter Name Name (IPA)  Diacritics and ligatures
A a /ɑ/ Àà, Ââ, Ææ
B /be/
C /se/ Çç
D /de/
E e /ə/ Éé, Èè, Êê, Ëë
F effe /ɛf/
G /ʒe/
H ache /aʃ/
I i /i/ Îî, Ïï
J ji /ʒi/
K ka /kɑ/
L elle /ɛl/
M emme /ɛm/
N enne /ɛn/
O o /o/ Ôô, Œœ
P /pe/
Q qu /ky/
R erre /ɛʁ/
S esse /ɛs/
T /te/
U u /y/ Ùù, Ûû, Üü
V /ve/
W double vé /dubləve/
X ixe /iks/
Y i grec /iɡʁɛk/ Ÿÿ
Z zède /zɛd/

All the letters are listed above but if you want more details on this you can go to the link here-

Consonants and combinations of consonant letters and Vowels and combinations of vowel letters scroll bellow: 

Consonants and combinations of consonant letters

Spelling Major value
Examples of major value Minor values
Examples of minor value Exceptions
-bs, -cs (in the plural of words ending in
silent b or c), -ds, -fs (in œufs and bœufs,
and words ending with silent -f in the singular), ‑gs, -ps, -ts
plombs, blancs, prends, œufs, cerfs, longs, draps, achats

b, bb elsewhere /b/ ballon, abbé

finally /b/ Jacob

∅ plomb, Colomb
ç /s/ ça, garçon, reçu

c before e, i, y /s/ cyclone, loquace, douce, ciel, ceux

initially/medially elsewhere /k/ cabas, crasse, cœur, sac /s/ cœlacanthe /g/ second
finally /k/ lac, donc tabac, blanc, caoutchouc
cc before e, i, y /ks/ accès

elsewhere /k/ accord

ch /ʃ/ chat, douche /k/ chaotique, chlore ∅ yacht, almanach
-ct elsewhere /kt/ direct, correct

∅ respect, suspect
after a nasal vowel instinct, succinct

d, dd elsewhere /d/ doux, adresse, addition

finally pied, accord /d/ David
f, ff /f/ fait, affoler, soif

∅ clef, cerf, nerf
g before e, i, y /ʒ/ gens, manger

initially/medially elsewhere /ɡ/ gain, glacier

finally joug, long, sang /g/ zigzag
gg before e, i, y // suggérer

elsewhere /g/ aggraver

gn /ɲ/ montagne, agneau

/gn/ gnou
h habite, hiver

j /ʒ/ joue, jeter

// jean, jazz
/x/ jota
k /k/ alkyler, kilomètre, bifteck

∅ skunks
l, ll /l/ lait, allier, il, royal, matériel ∅ (occasionally finally) cul, fusil, saoul
m, mm /m/ mou, pomme

∅ automne, condamner
n, nn /n/ nouvel, panne

ng (in loanwords) /ŋ/ parking, camping

p, pp elsewhere /p/ pain, appel

finally coup, trop /p/ cap, cep
ph /f/ téléphone, photo

-pt /pt/ concept

/t/ sept, compter, baptême
r, rr /ʁ/ rat, barre

∅ monsieur (see also -er)
s initially
medially next to a consonant
or after a nasal vowel
/s/ sacre, estime, penser, instituer

/z/ transat, transiter
elsewhere between two vowels /z/ rose, paysage

finally dans, repas /s/ fils
sc before e, i, y /s/ science

elsewhere /sk/ script

ss /s/ baisser, passer

t, tt elsewhere /t/ tout, attente

finally tant, raffut /t/ est (direction), yaourt
th /t/ thème, thermique, aneth

∅ asthme, bizuth
v /v/ ville, vanne

w /w/ kiwi, week-end, whisky /v/ wagon /u/ cowboy
x initially /ks/ xylophone /ɡz/ xénophobie /k/ or /ks/ xérès, xhosa
next to
a voiceless consonant
/ks/ expansion

medially elsewhere /ɡz/ exigence, exulter /s/

finally paix, deux /ks/ index, pharynx /s/ six, dix, coccyx
xc before e, i, y /ks/ exciter

elsewhere /ksk/ excaviation

z elsewhere /z/ zain, gazette

finally chez

/z/ gaz


Vowels and combinations of vowel letters

Spelling Major value
Examples of major value Minor values
Examples of minor value Exceptions
a, à /a/ patte, arable, là /ɑ/ araser, base /ɔ/ yacht
â /ɑ/ château

ai /ɛ/
vrai, faite
baisser, aiguille

/ə/ faisons, and all other conjugated forms of faire which are spelt fais- and followed by a vowel.
/ɛ/ mtre, chne

/ai/ nf, hr

aie /ɛ/ baie

aou, aoû /au/ caoutchouc, aoûtien, yaourt /u/ saoul, août
au /o/ haut, augure /ɔ/ restaurant, sauropode, dinosaure
ay elsewhere /ɛj/ ayons, essayer

/ei/ pays (also /ɛi/)
/aj/ mayonnaise, papaye
finally /ɛ/ Gamay, margay, railway

/e/ okay
aye /ɛi/ abbaye

/ɛ/ La Haye
/aj/ baye
e elsewhere /ə/ repeser, genoux

/a/ femme, fréquemment, solennel
before two or more consonants
(including double consonants),
x (in all cases), or
a final consonant (silent or pronounced)
/ɛ/ est, estival, voyelle, examiner, exécuter, quel, chalet /e/ essence, effet, henné /e/ mangez, and any form of a verb in the second person plural that ends in -ez.
in monosyllabic words before a silent consonant /e/ et, les, nez, clef

/ɛ/ es
in a position where
it can be easily elided
Ø caisse, unique, acheter, franchement /ə/ (finally in monosyllabic words) que, de, je /ə/ secret, grenouille, recevoir
é, ée /e/ clé, échapper, idée /ɛ/ événement, céderai, vénerie
è /ɛ/ relève, zèle

ê /ɛ/ tête, crêpe, forêt, prêt

eau /o/ eau, oiseaux

ei /ɛ/ neige, reine

/ɛ/ rtre

eu phonologically finally
before /z/
/ø/ heureux, peu, chanteuse

/y/ eu, and any conjugated form of avoir spelt with an eu-.
elsewhere /œ/ beurre, jeune /ø/ feutre, neutre
/ø/ jne

/y/, t, and any conjugated form of avoir spelt with an eû-.
i elsewhere /i/ ici, proscrire

before vowel /j/ fief, ionique, rien

î /i/ gîte, épître

ï (initially or between vowels) /j/ ïambe, aïeul, païen

/i/ ouïe
-i.e. /i/ régie

o phonologically finally /o/ pro, mot, gros

before /z/ /o/ chose, déposes, oser, apozème

elsewhere /ɔ/ carotte, offre /o/ cyclone, fosse, tome
ô /o/ tôt, cône

œ /œ/ œil /e/ œsophage
oe /oe/ coefficient

/wa/ moelle, moellon
/we/ moelleux
/wa/ ple

/ɔɛ/ Nl

/ɔe/ can
œu /œ/ sœur, cœur /ø/ nœud, œufs, bœufs, vœu
oi, oie /wa/ roi, oiseau, foie, trois, noix

/ɔ/ oignon
/oi/ ct, astérde

ou elsewhere /u/ ouvrir, sous

before vowel /w/ ouest, couiner, oui

/u/ ct, gt

-oue /u/ roue

oy /waj/ moyen, royaume

/ɔj/ goyave, cow-boy
u elsewhere /y/ tu, juge

before vowel /ɥ/ huit, tuer

/w/ cacahuète
û /y/ sûr, flûte

ue elsewhere /ɥɛ/ actuel

after c, g /œ/ cueillir, orgueil

finally /y/ rue

y elsewhere /i/ cyclone, style

initially before vowel /j/ yeux, yole


Combinations of vowel and consonant letters

Spelling Major value
Examples of major value Minor values
Examples of minor value Exceptions
am, an (before consonant or finally) /ɑ̃/ ambiance, France

/am/ Viêt-Nam
aen (before consonant or finally) /ɑ̃/ Caen

aim, ain (before consonant or finally) /ɛ̃/ faim, saint, bains

aon (before consonant or finally) /ɑ̃/ paon /aɔ̃/ pharaon
cqu /k/ acquit, acquéreur

-cte (as the feminine adjective ending for words ending in a silent "ct" (see above)) /t/ succincte

em, en (before consonant or finally elsewhere) /ɑ̃/ embaucher, vent /ɛ̃/ examen /ɛm/ totem
em, en (before consonant or finally after é, i, or y) /ɛ̃/ européen, bien, doyen /ɑ̃/ (before t or soft c) patient, quotient, science, audience
ein (before consonant or finally) /ɛ̃/ plein, sein

-ent (3rd person plural ending) Ø parlent, finissaient

-er /e/ aller, transporter /ɛʁ/ hiver, super, éther
-es Ø Nantes, faites /e/, /ɛ/
/ez/ (in liaison)
les, des, es
les attaques

eun (before consonant or finally) /œ̃/ jeun

ge (before vowel) /ʒ/ geai, mangea

gu /ɡ/ guerre, dingue /ɡɥ/ aiguille, linguistique, ambiguïté
-ien (before consonant or finally) /jɛ̃/ bien, bientôt, chrétien, combien, rien

-il (after vowel)  /j/ ail, conseil

-il (not after vowel) /il/ il, fil /i/ outil, fils, fusil
-ill- (after vowel) /j/ paille, nouille

-ill- (not after vowel) /ij/ grillage, bille /il/ mille, million, billion, ville, villa, village, tranquille
im, in (before consonant or finally) /ɛ̃/ importer, vin

/in/ sprint
oin (before consonant or finally) /wɛ̃/ point

om, on (before consonant or finally) /ɔ̃/ ombre, bon

/ə/ Monsieur
qu /k/ quand, pourquoi /kɥ/
aquarium, loquace, quatuor

ti + vowel (after s, x, or in first position) /tj bastion, gestionnaire, tiens, aquae-sextien

ti + vowel (medially elsewhere) /sj attention, fonctionnaire, initiation /tj/ pitié, augmentions, partiez,
and all conjugated forms of verbs with
a radical ending in -t or derived from tenir 

uil /ɥil/ huile, tuile /il/ (after g or q) équilibre 
uin (before consonant or finally) /ɥɛ̃/ juin

um, un (before consonant or finally) /œ̃/ parfum, brun /ɔm/ album, maximum /ɔ̃/ punch
ym, yn (before consonant or finally) /ɛ̃/ sympa, syndrome /im/ gymnase, hymne
The French Tutorial can make you learn the pronunciation and the whole language very well too.


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